Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Can See Your "AURAS"

Picture taken from facebook.com/aurasofficial

While the Djent genre is on a major up rise, great bands are springing up all over the world, and yet again, Canada cashes in their chips, particularly Cambridge, Ontario.

Welcome, AURAS. A 4 piece Djent band "specializing in polymeric melodies and breakdowns heavier than your average cement truck." Described as "4 friends bound by groove and centered by a constant pulse." You can tell these guys are all on the same page, and know exactly where they are going, or at least where they want to go with the music! But by no means are they new to the scene, you could actually say their seasoned veterans, with a whopping 10,000 likes on Facebook, It's likely that if you haven't heard this band, you will soon enough.

So, why write about these guys now? Simply put, they just released a new album January 12th on Bandcamp and iTunes, and it's dropping jaws across the board. In my opinion, you all need to hear it!

The album opens up with "Emerge", an eerie 55 second intro that blends it's way to a groove heavy breakdown, and finishes off with nice contrasting leads, then merges it's way right into the next song "Sciolist."

Track 2 offers the first taste of their powerful vocals which you'll find throughout the album, This is where we get our first introduction to their tempo changes, lead/rhythm combinations, and the use of heavy/melodic song structure.

Now here's the crazy thing about this band.... they continue to do all this crazy shit throughout the entire album! That's right you get another 5 songs to dabble into, and each one has something unique to offer the listener!

Carrying down the heavy/melodic path, AURAS lead into breakdown heavy "Aporia", which continues to deliver all the things we are already loving about this disc, with 1 extra ingredient to the mix. This song features a guest guitar solo by the one and only "Aaron Marshall" of the band Intervals (who will be sharing the stage with Between The Buried and Me towards the end of January), and boy, does it deliver! The song sort of plateaus at the slowest part which is the perfect time for Mr. Aaron Marshall to move in and do his thing before the band kicks back in with one of their "breakdowns heavier than your average cement truck." A must listen.

"Chimerical" is next on your playlist. Being the longest song on the album, you might expect it to be one of those songs that you never really listen to all the way through... well I assure you, that's not the case here. AURAS keep things fresh and groovy throughout the entire track, while sticking to their heavy/melodic riffs, this masterpiece is loaded with well structured vocals, breakdowns, solos, and some solid lyrical content that will hit close to home on all ends of the spectrum.

Here's a snippet: Buy the song here!!
"Could they envision a place,
Something like this world,
That we have now (that we have now),
A place to prosper, free to grow.
Don’t fear this change."

"Susurrus" offers that eerie feeling we got at the beginning of the album, but with a little more melody and groove to add to the mix. An instrumental with character nonetheless, and a perfect way to recollect your thoughts right before pounding you with the final 2 songs on the album.

Only because we all missed them so much, "Cascade" opens up with those crushing vocals, and if this doesn't make you want to bang your head, then I don't know what your fucking problem is. "Open the flood gates." The accompanied lyrics to the intro, which begins as definitely the heaviest song on the album, it's so powerful that I want to mosh in my chair. And after a good pounding for the first minute, AURAS brings back that epic melodic chorus feeling, but only for a few seconds! Then they jump right back into crushing your skull with their breakdown heavy riffs. Don't be fooled though, drummer Nathan Bulla holds his own on this one throughout the entirety of the track, and in the end, the group only leaves us begging for more.

Which of course we get. One more to be exact. The title track for the album "Panacea", weighing in at 3 minutes and 49 seconds, this song completely ties the album together and offers us everything we love about the band and so much more. So powerful, this song is AURAS doing what they do best, and putting 110% into their work. Incredibly instrumental driven, but when the vocals are there, it's the perfect addition to what these guys can accomplish.

The album "Panacea" by Auras is an incredibly strong release from a "local" band, and with these guys being so young, that only leaves them room to grow. They certainly have a bright future ahead of them. If you like AURAS, pick up the album, buy some merch, or book their band in the closest city to you! They deserve it! That's what they want most according to their Facebook page! "these 22-year olds want nothing more than to come to your city and groove like it's 1969."

Thanks for reading, share this post if you want to support AURAS, or FunkenAudio in anyway!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sharing Your Music With Strangers.

Jeff Tweel is chief operating officer of TweelX.(Photo: Larry McCormack, The Tennessean)
Photo taken from: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2013/01/04/buy-shares-of-songs/1810501/

Have you ever dreamed about making money off your music? Or perhaps, you've been waiting for the right person to hear your tunes to give you that big break? Well, your wait may not be over, however, there's a new tool that has recently sprung up on the Internet, and it might be the step you need to take your music to the next level, and might even make you a few pretty pennies too!

This new tool is actually a
website called TweelX. Essentially, they provide artists with a community / catalog for them to submit their music, and in exchange, the artists are agreeing to a "Song By Song" publishing deal in which they must give control over their exclusive publishing rights for each specific song.

Not sure what that means? No problem, here it is in
English. Basically, You upload your songs to the TweelX catalog, they break it up into shares or percentages, and after that, anyone who thinks your music is going somewhere, perhaps some fans, family, a label rep, etc. Can buy a stake in your song. Which means that they don't just get an album or a download link or something for their support, it means that if your songs makes it somewhere, maybe to the radio, or television or makes it somewhere that generates income, these investors get a share of that income too, and any other revenue generated by the song. So, when you make money off of a song, the investors will make money too, based on their percentage of ownership. A share of a song will sell for around $100 - $250 and 5 shares (25%) is available for public consumption. Of course TweelX gets a 25% share of the cake, and the artist is left with the remaining 50% (sometimes even more depending on how many shares the public snatches up)! The whole idea behind the model, says Jeff Tweel, is to raise close to $1000 per song, "about what it costs to make a really good sounding demo." 

The good news surrounding this whole idea is that artists / songwriters will maintain all rights and ownership of their Master Recordings, and TweelX doesn't make you sign any exclusive agreements for the ownership to be handed over to them! So sign up and own your songs in peace!

Currently, there is approximately 150 songs on the catalog
, with about 25 different artists. Although, this is a new company, they have had 1 investor so far, a fan paid $250 for a share in a song by the Justice Adams band.... hey, that's not too bad for an artist who might not be making anything!

ow that the company is filling up their catalog, it's time for them to find some shoppers, which is where Jeff comes in. Jeff has had over 20 years of experience in the music industry, so you know he's got friends in high places! Which is yet another benefit to the website, you're not just submitting your music to a random catalog for it to collect dust, your handing it over to people who may submit your music to the right hands. "Because of my connections in the business, we are providing them with exposure that they would never get on their own." says Jeff.

If you ask me I'd say this is a
n awesome tool for artists seeking more outlets for channeling their music. There's actually a lot of cool stuff going on with this website, including licensing options, plus it's so damn easy just to get your music on there, how could you not take advantage!?

If you want to read more about this, check out the
article I came across on USA Today, or head on over to TweelX and see what they're all about!

USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2013/01/04/buy-shares-of-songs/1810501/

TweelX: https://www.tweelx.com/index.php

s the writer listening to? Slave to the Game - Emmure